MSC-T Mindful Self- Compassion for Teens

"It is good to see, after taking the course, how much my life in general has improved. It was so important, so I will do it again and maybe improve it even more." - Teenage participant

"Finally, a self-compassion course for teenagers! This delightful and innovative program captures the essence of self-compassion for teens at the stage when they need it most. Recommended wholeheartedly!"-Christopher Germer, PhD

Adolescence is a time of change and growth. It is a time in life of rebellion and self-discovery, but with the increased demands of life for teens, this period is often filled with confusion, anxiety or depression.

To help teens deal with the ongoing challenges of daily life, Karen Bluth, Ph.D., and Lorraine Hobbs, M.A., together created the Mindful Self-Compassion for Teens (MSC-T) Mindfulness and Self-Compassion for Teens program. It was adapted from the original Mindful Self-Compassion program for adults and is endorsed by Kristin Neff and Chris Germer.

The program teaches the fundamental principles and practices that enable adolescents to respond to the challenges of these critical years with kindness and self-compassion.
In this 8-week course (2-hour weekly classes), teens (ages 12-19) engage in activities appropriate to their developmental time in carefully crafted practices and meditations that provide them with opportunities to learn how to manage life's emotional ups and downs. Research findings indicate increased emotional well-being and resilience after taking the course.
Two research studies on this program have been published. In the first (Bluth, Gaylord, Campo, Mullarkey & Hobbs, 2016), results indicate decreased anxiety, stress, depression and negative affect. The results of the second study (Bluth & Eisenlohr-Moul, 2017) showed a decrease in stress and an increase in resilience, positive risk-taking (willingness to take on new challenges), and gratitude after the end of the course.

- Deal with and regulate difficult emotions (anger, sadness, frustration) with greater ease.
- Manage anxiety, stress and self-critical voice.
- Train and strengthen emotional skills and resilience that allows you to admit your mistakes and respond with kindness and self-respect.
- Begin to understand the science of mindfulness and the brain.
- Practice the art of self-compassion and self-appreciation: learning how a kind attitude toward oneself affects and changes our brain, mental functioning and behavior.

The course is developed in eight weekly 2-hour in-person sessions. Program activities include:

  • Creative activities.
  • Guided practices.
  • Small theoretical introductions.
  • Experiential exercises.
  • Group dialogues.

Each participant is invited to practice the techniques learned in each session daily at home.

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